Migrated to Ghost. Sometimes the links have to break

Yes it happened. After a decade this blog moved from Drupal to Ghost !
When I started grigio.org the word "blog" was cool and the social networks weren't so intrusive, but the world changed and also I changed.
The migration drupal2ghost json went quite smooth, thanks to the Ghost import errors I've also learnt why some js was broken in Drupal XD. The autocompletion plugin injected some trash in the db
At the beginning this blog was mainly in Italian language and it was on GNU/Linux from a user perspective, now it more in English and about web development and open source software. The year of Linux on the desktop didn't happen (Anyway I'm writing this post on ubuntu using a chromebook).
So.. why moving from Drupal to Ghost?
Google started to warn that non-mobile optimized sites will be penalized in the search. I could put a mobile optimized theme for Drupal, but the truth is that I just what to write something in markdown sometimes, and Ghost is the easiest way to do it.
I did the best to migrate all the slug to Ghost, but I know some links will be 404 not found
. Yes, the comments aren't supported but I bet that if you are smart enough and you aren't a spammer you'll find anyway a way to communicate with me.
Why a blog in 2015 ?
There are the Social Networks (Facebook, Twitter, Google+), free services like Medium..
In conclusion, just 2 words:
- decentralization: to continue to have the freedom and the knowledge, the backbone of the technology must be replicable and possibly open source.
- control: I've seen too many contents disappeared on free services because they weren't economically sustenaible or removed on Facebook because they decided so.
And the unique way to avoid it is to DIY, and host a blog by yourself.
I plan to release on Github the drupal2ghost.js
script, it should work on Drupal 5, 6, 7 but I can't guarantee because very weird things can happen.
..at some point, who know why, the ids in the Mysql db started to be filled with 00000, then went back to the normal sequence.